
Network, L2

Fhenix is the first confidential L2 powered by fully homomorphic encryption. Fhenix enables Ethereum developers to seamlessly build encrypted smart contracts and perform encrypted computation of data, all while using Solidity and other familiar, easy-to-use tools.

Airdrop Strategy

✅ Complete the quests in their Discord server

Fhenix Quests

  • Join Discord
  • Go to the community-quests channel
  • Type /quests to see the quests. Click on each quest and complete them.

The first quest is about deploying 5 contracts on Fhenix testnet. Follow the guide below to learn how to complete this quest.

Deploy a Contract:

  • Bridge Sepolia ETH to Fhenix using its Native Bridge or Pheasant
  • Go to Remix in your browser.
  • Create a New File: In the left-hand side file explorer, click the first icon to create a new file.

  • Name the file (e.g. alphadrops.sol)

  • Paste the Contract Code: Copy and paste the following code into the newly created alphadrops.sol file:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.26;contract Counter {    uint256 public count;    function increment() public {        count += 1;    }    function decrement() public {        require(count > 0, "Count cannot be negative.");        count -= 1;    }    function getCount() public view returns (uint256) {        return count;    }}

  • Compile: On the left-hand side, click the Solidity Compiler tab and click on Compile


  • In the Deploy & Run Transactions tab, select Injected Provider - MetaMask
  • MetaMask will pop up asking for confirmation to connect to Remix. Confirm the connection.
  • In the Deploy & Run Transactions tab, ensure your contract is selected in the contract dropdown.
  • Click Deploy.
  • MetaMask will pop up to confirm the transaction. Confirm the transaction and pay the required gas fees.
  • Congrats! Your first contract is deployed. Now, click on deploy 4 more times, so you get 5 contracts deployed on Fhenix.

  • Go back to Discord and verify your contracts








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